Sunday, 15 February 2015

Free Online Course for Advocating for Minority Rights 2015

Minority Rights Group International (MRG) is offering a free online course under the Global Advocacy Programme (GAP) for those working for the rights of minorities across Africa, Asia and Europe. GAP aims to enable representatives of minority communities to use international and regional mechanisms to demand for an improvement of the lives of their communities.

Course objectives
  • To introduce concepts of minority rights and discrimination (focusing on on ethnic, national, religious and linguistic minorities)
  • To develop awareness and understanding of international and regional mechanisms for minority rights
  • To improve practical skills in lobbying and advocacy

The content of the course is divided into 11 topics, each sub-divided into a number of short sections, designed to require not more than three to four hours per week to complete each one. Topics do not need to be completed all at once and may be revisited later. Most topics contain a short quiz or a series of exercises designed to help students apply their knowledge.
There are two versions of the course. The first can be accessed HERE and requires an ‘enrollment key’ – a one-time password students will receive from the MRG administrator once accepted into the course. This version includes tutor support from MRG, and is available in English, French and Russian languages.

The public version of the course can be accessed HERE. Participants can create a free account or log-in as a guest. The public version of the course has no tutor support and is geared toward self-guided study by including a glossary and number of resources. It is only available in English.
The MRG website also includes a Resource Centre including a publications database of reports, guides, and other resources related to minority rights and advocacy.

Deadline: On going (No deadline)

For more information visit Advocating for Minority Right

  Top of Form

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